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Welcome to Our Portal : LyricsUrl : One Stop Solution For Music Lyrics : Search Bollywood, Punjabi, Haryanvi, Bhakti, Aarti, Artist Music Lyrics in Hindi & English on LyricsUrl.com

Who We Are

LyricsUrl is a best portal for all type Bollywood, Tollywood , Album, Punjabi, Haryanvi, Bhakti, Aarti, Artist Music Lyrics in Hindi & English with their Artist Information and Video Clips.

Here You can read and sing your favourite Song Lyrics in Both Hindi and English Also.

We Provide Pure Lyrics about all type songs.  This Portal helps those People who search their Favourite Music Lyrics. 

We try our best to provide you all Songs Lyrics in One Place. So that you don't have to wander somewhere else.

 So, Friends.. Enjoy Music Lyrics and Share it to Your Friends on Social Media..

Why Music Lyrics

Friends! In today's run-of-the-mill life, everyone needs something so that they can get rest for some time, their stress can be relieved.

In such a situation, music helps you in refreshing. Everyone wants to hum their songs of choice. But sometimes the lyrics of the song are not understood. And we remain one or two lines humming.

In today's time, people who practice singing. Those who want to make a career in singing, they are often looking for a portal where they are getting lyrics of new songs from time to time so that they can rehearse their favorite songs. And give a new dimension to your voice.

Today everyone likes to hum songs to refresh themselves. Because friends music is a means of expressing our feelings. Humming the music, we try to show our emotion.

Music is associated with one aspect of our life whether it is happiness or sorrow, a festival or a wedding party or a satsang bhajan etc.

Every person goes through many types of life in his life, he narrates every phase of it, music lyrics.

Many times you have to face a lot of difficulty in finding the lyrics of the song of your choice. But friends, you don't have to be nervous at all. HowLyrics .com is a portal that caters to your every search.

Provides you with your favorite new, old, Hindi, English songs at the same place. Here you will find all kinds of songs to hum the lyrics. If you want, you can also tell us by commenting to get lyrics of your favorite songs in the comment box. We will surely try to provide you the lyrics of your favorite songs as quickly as possible.

So friends, we are trying to fulfill this quest so that you keep providing your favorite songs from time to time so that you keep humming and happy songs. Be successful and happy in your life.

Our Mission:

Our mission is to provide You all your Favourite song lyrics Online. 

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